Off-Road build project planning tips you’ll want to know!

Off-Road build project planning tips you’ll want to know!

News and chat Tammy Headzrest Digital picture frame – Nate YJ Grille Swap is progressing Watching a netflix documentary. Hitler and the Nazis. It’s really good! News:–road–suvs–bulletproof–reliability/   Main Topic Managing your own projects What do I mean? Managing a vehicle project is a lot like managing any other project. You need…

What’s with all these angles?

What’s with all these angles?

Chat and News Tammy Jeep Badge of Honor – Trail 11 RC Nate I did it, i put the YJ grille on the LJ.–kc I was going to build fenders, but found these: Came across this on reddit Jeep admits that the Wagoneer was too damned expensive.–admits–wagoneer–pricing–went–too–far/   Community Corner…

What even is overlanding?

What even is overlanding?

Chat Nate I have my dana 60 truss narrowed! Now I can move on with the build I started working on my YJ grille project. The latest 24 Hell and Back! First episode is here: Tammy Check engine light–friendly–national–parks–to.html News/Other? A little announcement.. Dirt Social–social/–county–sheriff–wants–to–end–jeep–weekend–but–state–law–may–prevent–any–local–action/–camping–goes–plaid–with–the–wooly–trailer–from–mammoth–overland/   Main Topic What…

Aluminum VS. Steel

Aluminum VS. Steel

Chat Tammy Guess who’s back.. Back Again… Her check engine light. Nate Dana 60 detroit on FB marketplace 3d printing parts for the jeep dash! Instagram offroadinsiders Email: offroadinsiders AT   Community Corner https://news.abs––adventurer–reaches–japan–after-274-days–of–overland–travel-2327       Main Topic Aluminum vs. steel Many vehicles have started switching parts from steel over…

Getting power to the wheels! We’re talkin Axles!

Getting power to the wheels! We’re talkin Axles!

Chat Tammy Tammy’s engine did not explode Found a short, seemed to be causing check-engine light. Nate Got a super RED new truck. 2024 Chevy Silverado! Instagram offroadinsiders Email: offroadinsiders AT   Main Topic How does an axle work? Axle Terminology Open vs spooled, vs selectable, vs auto-locker Axle Models to…

Talking Yota’s with Jake from the Toyota Garage

Talking Yota’s with Jake from the Toyota Garage

Chat 5-10 minutes of warm-up chat [Tammy] Over Labor Day Weekend I went camping in Medicine Bow National forest. We camped on a reservoir. It was nice to just chill. [Nate] Dana 60 progress The axle is narrowed by 4″ Inner C is re-attached Tubes are welded Still need to figure out the truss Now,…

Lifts, Lockers, and Light bars, Stay legal in YOUR state

Lifts, Lockers, and Light bars, Stay legal in YOUR state

Chat Tammy – Rodeo Nate – Still working on the Superduty 60, and now a backup camera for the wife’s JKU. Instagram offroadinsiders Email: offroadinsiders AT   Community Corner Overland Expo coming to Colorado at the end of the month.–west/ Main Topic   Lift Laws, Doors off Laws, Mirror laws,…