Off-Road build project planning tips you’ll want to know!
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Main Topic
Managing your own projects
What do I mean?
Managing a vehicle project is a lot like managing any other project.
You need to set goals
Think about what you’ll need
Think about if you have the skills to do it yourself
Be honest
Get opinions from others
Are you the first person to ever do this thing?
If you are. Ask yourself why.
If you are not, ask people who have done it how they did it and if they ran into any issues.
If a lot of people tell you not to. Try to really critically think about why they’re saying that.
Try not to get overwhelmed
I’ve been there. In fact I get there in almost every project that’s more than an evenings worth of work. It feels like you’ll never finish.
Keep track of what you’re doing. Make a list
Cross things off as they’re complete. It’ll not only keep track of things. It’ll give you a satisfying progress indicator.
I use zip lock bags to keep nuts, bolts, washers, whatever I’ve removed.
Don’t be afraid to take a break. Unless you’re under a really tight deadline.
Don’t cut corners to save time
Show off what you’re doing!
This isn’t for everyone. But having strangers on the internet can sometimes help you avoid issues
People online are happy to point out your mistakes. It’s frustrating. But sometimes they’re right! If they spot something wrong you might be able to fix it before it’s too late.
If you feel like you can’t share it ask yourself why.
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